During this period of online church, you can still take part in our offering through our Paypal link


For people who have encountered Jesus, generosity flows from a reformed heart, not from a sense of religious duty or guilt.

We see this generosity working out in a number of ways when it comes to money.

  1. We adopt a pattern of giving regularly to our local church.
  2. We give spontaneously to wider church ministries & charities or individuals in need that God has given us a passion for.
  3. We manage money and resources at our disposal well; reducing waste and living within our means - not giving in to the prevailing culture of debt.

If you would like to give to Walsall Community Church you can do so via online banking with the following details

  • Sort Code: 30-99-06
  • Account Number: 00399103

If you are a UK tax payer then you can also allow us to claim your income tax by completing this form.

For more details, you can listen to Ben Dean speaking on the subject in December 2018.

Walsall Community Church is a UK Registered Charity 1076491 and a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, number 3769753. Registered office: 33 Lower Hall Lane, Walsall, WS1 1RR